Thursday, 14 November 2013

oXygen Users Meetup

Immediately following TIC 2013, I'll be attending oXygen Users Meetup in Munich, Germany. I'm very much looking forward to this one. I've been using oXygen for years and it is now my XML tool of choice. Also, oXygen's is the most responsive team in the world, frequently solving your problems even before you knew you had them.

It'll be good to meet George & Co again.

Open-source ProX

I recently got the go-ahead from my boss at Condesign to open-source ProX, my XML processing XML and its first implementation. It sounds rather more than what it actually is - right now there's a wrapper pipeline, an XForm, some XSLT and an example DTD - but I happen to think ProX is pretty cool and potentially useful.

I'll make the stuff available at Github as soon as I have the time, of course with a proud announcement here. In the mean time, you can get an idea about what ProX is by reading my Balisage papers ProX: XML for interfacing with XML for processing XML (and an XForm to go with it) and Using XML to Implement XML.

TIC 2013

I co-presented a paper about the oXygen/eXist solution I've been involved in building for The Federation of Swedish Farmers – LRF – at the TIC 2013 conference in Stockholm, Sweden. My co-presenter was Anders Johannesson from LRF, who is a brilliant, brilliant presenter. He is knowledgeable, funny and supremely engaging, and I had loads of fun.