Friday, 20 February 2009

TomTom 730T and Linux

Bought a TomTom 730T GPS device today. Very cool. Lots of well-considered features, great design, just what I wanted. I'm really looking forward to driving around for a bit tomorrow.

But then, I tried to install the TomTom Home 2 software on my Debian (Sid) Linux box, using wine. Didn't work. I spent an hour trying to get around the error message (a rather crypic message involving some file from Visual C++) but couldn't make it work.

Yes, TomTom, I do use a Windows box, too, at work, but I was hoping for you to return the favour (I bought your product, after all, didn't I?) by supplying me with software for the operating system of my choice. It shouldn't be that hard to do; after all, you did come around to recompile your software for the Mac.

Aren't more people using Linux these days than Mac?

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