Friday 6 March 2009

XML Is Progress...

...but I miss SGML. I miss the time when any project worth its salt was up to a year or more but would still have to be redone from scratch to create something that actually works.

These days, companies expect these things to work right out of the box. Just install it, give it a week's training and another week of adjustments, and you're all set. I have competitors that market their product in this way, claiming that it's all it takes. Funny, that, because what they are actually saying is that the handling of a customer's most vital asset, their information, should require no more than a couple of weeks to be up and running but the product itself could take years to develop. Is it just me or is there something wrong with this concept?

In the olden times, things were never that easy. There was no DOM and there was no XSLT, and certainly no native, built-in SGML APIs to ease a developer's plight. No fast track, no overnight results. Outputting structured documents on paper was not an easy task so things were allowed to take time. There was time to do a proper analysis, and time to perfect it while others were writing code.

Imagine having that time now, imagine having a year to do things properly. Oh, yes, I miss SGML.

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